বৃহস্পতিবার, ২১ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৭


A dictator has the same
Face and character all over the world
He has no country
No religion and race
No caste and creed
His only acquaintance
He is the traitor
He is enemy of humanity
Enemy of Human rights and democracy
He sucks our blood and
Keeps us under chain
We become prisoners of the dictator
We bear endless pain, persecution and
Brutal punishment under remand
His cruelty knows no bound
He kills people ruthlessly
He enjoys extrajudicial killings
He hangs people for political gains
His men conduct barbaric torture Inside jail
All of them are the same
In snatching away people’s rights and freedom
Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot
Stalin, Kim Jong Un, Mao Zedong
Saddam, Marcos, Mugabe, Bashar Al Assad
All are oppressors, persecutors
Dictators and exploiters
All looted people’s rights and properties
They are all embarrassment to civilization
They killed democracy
They forbid us to speak our minds
They put illegal restrictions on
People’s voices and movements
We cannot hold meetings
We cannot conduct peaceful
Demonstrations and processions
We cannot make human chain
We cannot go for long march
We cannot provide food and shelter
To the refugees
We cannot perform
Charitable and social work
We are hidden and forbidden population
The dictator keeps us out of focus
We are forbidden to do
What we want to do Without doing any harm to others
The commitment and struggle of the people is
To restore freedom and democracy
We will stand on our feet
We will turn around
To destroy the evils
People's voice will be heard loudly
We will break the door of the dictator
With our robust fists and fierce kick
We will choose
Our political representatives
Courageous fights of our
Freedom fighters
Will break the throne of the dictator into pieces
The dictator will be defeated and dead
Victorious will be the people